Clearing up the Confusion

Since so many are confused about this account and #Anonymous in general, let this admin lay it out as clearly as possible for you. Some of us are hackers that have broken laws and know how to do it without getting caught. Some of us are activists who have never broken a single law, but care deeply about the rise of government empowered systematic injustice. That has been Anonymous before the brand even existed.

In the height of our “fame,” we had a number of individuals who got more of the attention, got more reckless, got caught, some of which flipped as informants. But, what we have in common is that, before compromised, we were fighting the injustices we cared about and sharing information that the corrupt and the powerful didn’t want you to see.

As a great example, Sabu was once one of us, and flipped to save his own ass. Jeremy Hammond went to prison instead. The rest of us continued as we saw fit. It was always political.

This particular admin learned their lessons from being there during the SunDevil days and escaping prosecution. Anonymous wasn’t a thing then. But the ideal and culture was. This admin, along with many others, found places, either free or hacked, to host the Diebold leaks when the US government was desperately trying to take them down. This admin knew that the importance of sharing the information was more important than the personal fame. Others like Sabu, Topiary, Hammond, TFlow, etc. clearly never understood this, and went down as a result.

This admin has regularly shared with others privately how not to get caught, for people to do with as they will. This admin also hasn’t hacked a thing in well over a decade. If you think that makes us fake, because we just seem too political now, instead of hacking recklessly, so be it. With age, priorities change, but our ideals do not.

For those that are part of Anonymous in the same boat as this admin, we’ve all had long periods of dormancy, until things get so ugly that we can’t sit back anymore. That will happen again. Nothing will ever put out that fire. We’re political and we’re still burning with hope for what the world can become, and destructive rage towards the elite, the corrupt and the powerful that would happily see you die if it meant another tax free yacht or hamburger. We despise authoritarianism and fascism to our core.

Fascism is a scourge that, when not challenged, results in the deaths of millions. We will not humor such criminals pretending they are patriots, and we will challenge such power grabs both legally and illegally. Whatever it takes. If you have a problem with this, yes, you are our enemy. Your ignorant sh*tposts on how “Anonymous was never political” will go ignored. Everyone can join in this, because nobody needs to suffer fascism, whether theocratic, corporate, or anything else.


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