Under Trump many of us will absolutely have to flee the USA (those of us that live here). There will be no safety net in the guise of “law” under Trump because he will circumvent the law to conform to how he wants to mold the USA.

Under Harris, we can continue speaking out and keep trying to make the USA better but the world better too. Think of it this way: Harris won’t put us in jail for burning the American Flag (protected under the first amendment even if you think it’s wrong – it’s a great example) but Trump has already pushed for that to happen (he wants to jail or revoke citizenship for people who desecrate the flag). While we certainly do not agree with Kamala on everything, she is the only candidate that will preserve what is left of a crumbling democracy.

It is up to all of us, the people to move society forward – to progress. We cannot progress under a dictatorship or authoritarian rule. Kamala doesn’t want to restrict the rights of who people choose to love, Trump does. Kamala doesn’t want to install loyalists in all levels of government – Trump does. We will fight tooth and nail to prevent the USA from becoming a fascist theocratic authoritarian dictatorship.

We’ve seen way too many people like Trump dismantle their societies and kill democracy. From Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak who was in power for 30 years as he pushed an unfair distribution of wealth, corruption, and let his citizens rot, to Kim Jong Un who starves his people to death – we’ve always fought against all tyrants. Donald Trump is no different.

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